Untitled Mike Judge Comedy(2005) This comedy was originally called 3001 its about someone who
is a human guinea pig and wakes up in the future for an experiment.
Monsignor Martinez(2000) Mike Judge directed this and alot of the KOTH cast worked on this its
a spinoff of a tv show on king of the hill that got cancelled.
Office Space(1999) Mike Judge's first live action movie based on his milton shorts from SNL.
King of The Hill(1997-present) Mike Judge and Greg Daniels made this show about Hank Hill his
family and friends living in texas. its a great show for more info goto this site
Beavis and Butthead(1992-1997) Started out as a short on liquid television then picked up as
a series by MTV it lasted 7 seasons and a movie but then ended. It is syndicated on MTV2.
Inbred Jed(1991) An animation short created by Mike Judge.
Milton(1991) An animation short created by Mike Judge that aired on SNL. His movie office space
is based on these animation shorts.